Dear Students/Parents/Guardians:

BR High School offers the convenience of online registration for our sports programs through ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID). It is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for athletic programs, eliminating all of the required paperwork.

When you create a sports registration account, you enter information once for multiple children, for multiple future uses. Simply log-in each season to choose the sport your child wants to participate in, and submit.

PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS: these items below must be completed to tryout.

1. Register: All students must register online each season in order to be eligible to tryout for high school sports. Registration closes roughly 1 week before tryouts.

2. Physical Exam: A physical exam must be current within the past 13 months, signed by the physician, and submitted to the BR Athletics Office, prior to the first day of tryouts. (*Please note, the Nurse's office and Athletics office do Not share files)

Concussion Information: click HERE

  • Concussion Awareness Course - every year; part of registration step

  • Baseline Testing - optional

High School Sports Registration DATES

** Registration closes approx. 1 week before tryouts **

Fall Registration is open from:

May 1,2024 to August 12, 2024

Winter Registration is open from:

October 1, 2024 to November 25, 2024

Spring Registration is open from:

January 1, 2025 to March 10, 2025

How to Register for High School Sports... link is below

Registration & Tryouts are FREE!

  • Please REGISTER for a sport first and wait to pay user fee until rosters have been decided.

  • Paying the user fee is not the same as registering (user fee is due by the first game/match of the season).

** Returning members simply log-in and then follow Steps 2 & 3 below **

1. Create your secure account by entering your family name, email address, and password.

You will receive an email with a link to confirm your new account. (If you don’t see the email, please check your spam or junk folders.) You MUST click this link, log-in, and now register per Steps 2 & 3 below.

2. Sports Registration: click the link for sports season and complete the information requested on the form.

3. Confirm your registration: once complete you will be asked to click ‘Confirm Registration’ or add another participant. (You will receive an email confirming your registration)

You can log back into your account at any time to update information or to reveiw your sports registrations.

TECH SUPPORT: If you need ANY assistance with your registration please call 800-311-4060.

~> Click HERE to register for High School Sports

This registration must be completed by parent/guardian of student athlete each season.